Professional Development Funding

十大赌博正规老平台生补充专业发展基金旨在提供 supplemental 为在虚拟或面对面的国内会议上发言但因资金原因无法参加的学生提供资金. 奖学金仍将以每名学生500美元的上限为限,并且只能报销.

该计划为十大赌博正规老平台生提供资金,以支付参加学术和专业会议并发表演讲的费用. 这些奖励是根据成绩和经济需要提供的. 该奖项旨在部分偿还专业发展费用,例如:

  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Registration
  • Membership expenses


Not all students who apply can be awarded, 获奖者的数量取决于该学年的资金可用性. Those who submit thoughtful, detailed applications, demonstrate financial need, 截止日期前收到的所有材料(包括部门推荐表)将优先考虑.


The award is divided into two application sessions each year:

  • For events taking place from January to June, students should apply during the spring
  • For events taking place from July to December, students should apply during the summer/fall

Applications for Summer/Fall 2024 are now open!

Apply Now!

Applications are due Friday, September 13, 2024. All applications will be reviewed after the deadline.

Funding Criteria

Eligibility criteria:

  • 被邀请出席你正在申请资助的会议. 申请人应在学术会议上发表演讲或进行与十大赌博正规老平台相关的演讲. Poster sessions are also eligible. Students presenting at a virtual conference are also eligible.
  • 是十大赌博正规老平台全日制录取的十大赌博正规老平台生 Hajim School or School of Arts and Sciences at the time of application and travel.
  • 以前没有获得过该奖项的资助(以前称为GSA旅行补助金).

Applications are evaluated based on:

  • Description of the conference and related research
  • 描述申请人在会议上的专业发展潜力
  • Demonstrated financial need and description of itemized budget
  • Overall quality of application
  • 申请人的指导教师和/或部门十大赌博正规老平台生协调员提供的可用部门资金的建议和确认

For further guidance, review the evaluation rubric.


为了有资格获得资助,您需要提交一份完整的 application before the listed deadline. The application must include:

  • 对会议和对您特别有益的十大赌博正规老平台主题的描述
  • 说明专业活动的相关性或价值的陈述, 以及它如何支持你在学术十大赌博正规老平台领域的十大赌博正规老平台或专业发展
  • 解释你的经济需求,以及你在旅行预算中寻找低成本替代方案的努力
  • 所有符合条件的与会议有关的费用的分项预算, including documentation to support your estimates of expenses
  • 解释将用于会议的任何已确认或未决的资金来源
  • 您的指导老师和/或部门十大赌博正规老平台生协调员填写的表格,确认是否有任何部门资助,并建议您参加会议

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses:

  • 交通费用:国内机票、火车、公交、拼车费用
  • Conference and membership fees
  • Accommodations: hotel, Airbnb, etc.
  • Presentation-related material costs: poster printing, etc.

Ineligible expenses:

  • Food and beverages, including alcohol
  • International travel
  • 奢侈品或非必需品的购买,比如航空旅行升级
  • Coursework or training conferences


  1. To be eligible for supplemental funding, 该学生必须是十大赌博正规老平台哈金学院或艺术学院的全日制十大赌博正规老平台生 & Sciences at the time of application and travel.
  2. 奖学金将根据申请的价值/质量和经济需求进行分配. 那些有有限或没有来自其部门和/或其他来源的资金证明的学生将被认为更需要资助.
  3. As part of this application your department chair, faculty advisor, 或部门十大赌博正规老平台生协调员将被要求填写一份表格,说明任何部门资金的可用性.
  4. Students can only receive this award once 在罗彻斯特大学读十大赌博正规老平台生期间.
  5. 申请人应在学术会议上发表演讲或进行与十大赌博正规老平台相关的演讲. Poster sessions are also eligible. 仅以参与者身份参加会议的学生将不会获得资金.
  6. 参加虚拟会议的学生也有资格获得涵盖注册费的奖金, etc.
  7. 获奖公告可能会在多个社交媒体平台和电子邮件通讯上发布.
  8. Funds will not be reimbursed to anyone other than the student.
  9. 获奖者的总报销要求不得超过获奖者的会议相关费用的总金额. 为了报销,所有会议旅行奖获得者必须提交原始的分项收据. 仅报销获奖者个人开支的费用收据.
  10. 所有资金将按照大学的财务政策发放,包括 Business Expense and Travel Reimbursement policy. 请注意,由于奖励有限,不能为团体旅行提供资金.
  11. Some items including meals/food, international travel, and non-essential purchases will not be reimbursed. See the list of eligible expenses and reach out to 如果您不确定您的购买是否将被视为符合条件的费用.