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Sexual Misconduct and Title IX


If someone tells you they have experienced sexual misconduct


  1. If someone tells you they have experienced sexual misconduct (sexual 骚扰, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 或跟踪), 首先为他们提供支持. Listen to them and encourage them to seek help and counseling as soon as possible.
  2. Listen with empathy and without judgment. Everyone responds differently to trauma. The person may not react the way you would.
  3. The person’s health and safety should be your primary concern. If safety is an immediate concern, call the 公共安全部 at (585) 275-3333 or call911.
  4. Keep this half of the card for your information, and provide the other half to the person who has experienced misconduct.
  5. Report the incident in accordance with the steps provided in ‘What Steps to Take.’
  6. If there is any question about how to proceed after a conversation with someone who has experienced misconduct, call and consult with the Title IXCoordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator (There is a Deputy for each Academic School and 体育运动).


  • There are many 资源 available to help you, both at the University and in the community. Some 资源 are strictly 保密.
  • You have the right/choice to make a report to local law enforcement or choose not to report, to file a report with the Title IX Coordinator, and to receive assistance and 资源 from the University.
  • I may be required to inform the Title IX Coordinator who will reach out to offer you information about 资源, 住宿, 报告选项.
  • The Title IX Coordinator will keep your information private and will only share it with those who need to know in order to provide 资源 to you.


  • Offer information about available supportive services and 资源 (UCC, 呃, 强大的艾德, 恢复热线).
  • Discuss the ways that you may be able to help them. (考虑, 例如, offering an extension on assignments; being clear about how long of an extension you are able to give).
  • Be genuine in your caring and support.


  • Responsible Employees who receive or learn of reports or concerns of Sexual Misconduct must promptly (as soon as practical and no later than forty-eight (48) hours) report to the University TitleIX Coordinator. 
  • 提交一个 网上报告表格 (24-48小时内)
  • You may be contacted for follow-up information as the University responds to the report.


  • Discuss the disclosure with anyone before contacting the Title IX Coordinator directly.
  • Conduct an independent investigation or gather facts.
  • Notify the responding party of the allegation.
  • Explain to either party how the University or criminal law investigation or adjudication processes work; refer them to the Title IXCoordinator.
  • 试图调解这个问题.
  • Encourage a party not to file a report.

If you have experienced sexual misconduct


  • A person who experienced an incident of sexual misconduct is 鼓励 to take the following immediate actions:
  • Contact the 公共安全部 or other law enforcement
  • 与倡导者交谈
  • 寻求医疗救助
  • Speak with a counselor or therapist
  • Talk with friends or family whom you feel safe with
  • Report the incident to the University

You don’t have to choose a course of action immediately, but consider preserving evidence in case you choose to pursue charges. Possible evidence might be clothing, bedding, photos, emails, texts, etc.


  • 你设定节奏.
  • You have the right to choose to whom you will speak, 你将使用什么资源, 你会说什么?, 你什么时候会说.
  • There are many 资源 available to help you, both at the University and in the community.
  • It is your choice whether to name the other person(s) or not.
  • Your information will be kept private and only shared with those who “need to know.” We want to take care of you and keep you safe, and we want to make sure that others in the community are safe.
  • The University prohibits sexual misconduct, 包括性骚扰, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪.


It is a violation of University policy to retaliate in any way against a student or employee because that individual raised allegations or was accused of discrimination, 骚扰, 或者性行为不端.

Reporting contacts and 资源


Title IX Coordinator, Julia Green (她/她/她的)
茱莉亚.green@罗彻斯特.edu, (585) 275-1654

有关名单载于 罗彻斯特.edu/sexualmisconduct




RESTORE Sexual Assault Services
(24小时)(585)546-2777 保密

Willow Domestic Violence Center
(24 hours) (585) 222-7233, TTY: (585) 232-741, or TEXT to (585) 348-7233 保密


(585) 545-7200 保密


University Counseling Center (UCC)
(24小时.275.3113 保密

University Health Service (呃)
河校园(585)275-2662 保密
Medical Center (585) 275-2662 保密
伊士曼(585)274-1230 保密

河校园(585)275-4321 保密
Medical Center (585) 275-2100 保密

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(585) 276-9110 (for employees) 保密

埃尔姆伍德大街601号. 十大赌博正规老平台,纽约州14642
(24小时)(585)275-4551 保密

Center for Student Conflict Management
(585) 275-4085 冲突.management@罗彻斯特.edu



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